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Our Christmas Opening Times | Pharmacy Opening Times | Help and Support Please note -  On Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December online requests will close at 12.30pm and only urgent requests will be taken over the phone that afternoon to enable us to manage the demand that day.
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Updated March 2024

Infection Control Lead – Nurse Marie Burnett

Infection Control Admin Leads – Louise Millican Business Care Co-Ordinator Manager/ Claire Atkinson Practice Manager

Executive Partner – Dr Laura Hannon

The Grove Medical Group is committed to providing a clean and safe environment for its patients, staff and visitors. All staff continually strive to ensure that we are following infection control policies and current legislation so that the care we deliver and the equipment we use is safe. This statement has produced in line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and details the practices compliance with guidelines on infection control.

The below measures taken to ensure a high level of infection control at the surgery.

Policies/Risk Assessments

  • Review and update our main Infection Control policy and any additional policies annual or when any changes occur to ensure they are adequate and meet national guidance. These are easily accessible to all members of staff to refer to for guidance.
  • Complete regular risk assessments so best practice can be established and then followed.


  • Carry out monthly infection control audits to ensure our infection control procedures are working and standards are met.
  • Regular Infection control meetings with our inhouse IPC Team
  • Ensure COSSH product sheets are completed for any new products we use.
  • Cleaning staff to follow daily checklist to ensure cleanliness is at a high standard.  Cleaning manager to complete a detailed monthly cleaning audit.
  • Ensure duty of care documents are completed with our waste providers and complete a waste management audit annually.
  • Maintain the premises and equipment to a high standard ensuring all maintenance checks are up to date and to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to reduce or remove infection risk.
  • Use washable or disposable materials such as couch rolls, disposable privacy curtains to minimise the risk of infection.
  • Make sure alcohol hand gel is available throughout the building.

Staff Training/Awareness for all

  • Share infection control information to all staff and encourage staff and patients to raise any issues or report any incidents in relation to cleanliness and infection control. Any infection control incidents will be fully investigated to see what changes need to be made and put in place future improvements.  They are also discussed at our regular Significant Events meetings, attendees include clinical staff and leads from each team.
  • Provide relevant health promotion information in relation to infection control for eg; seven steps to handwashing poster located at each sink in the building.
  • Ensure staff infection control training is kept up to date and meets the level required depending on staff role.  New staff receive training as part of their induction.  Annual hand hygiene audit also done as part of training.

If you have any concerns about cleanliness please report these to our reception staff.

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