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Video: Cervical screening – your questions answered

As part of our work to address health inequalities across Goforth and Jesmond, we asked people to share their thoughts, experiences and question about cervical screening. We’ve created this video to answer your questions, to explain more about the process itself and purpose of cervical screening, and why regular screening is so important.

The Little Book of Useful Stuff

The Little Book of Useful Stuff The Little Book of Useful Stuff is a guide to help young people aged 13+ keep safe, stay healthy and make informed decisions about their lives. Created by the NHS in Gateshead, with the help of families and a range of health professionals, the guide covers common issues like: … Continued

Video Playlist: About Cervical Screening

Dr Ella Grummit explains what cervical screening is, who should get tested, which groups are more likely to get cervical cancer, why the test changed, and why you should get tested even if you don’t have sex with men.

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